
Albury Wodonga’s Foot Health Experts

Feel better with your feet in our expert hands.


What We Treat


Arch and Heel Pain

Arch and heel pain can be caused by a number of conditions that your podiatrist can accurately diagnose and treat. See us for an assessment and treatment plan.


Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are painful and can be caused by footwear, the shape of the nail, cutting the nail incorrectly and trauma. Don’t suffer with this any longer, we can fix the problem for you.


Diabetic Foot

Avoiding complications in the diabetic foot can be achieved by seeking help early and receiving regular care. Your podiatrist is the expert in diabetic foot care.

Ankle and/or Knee Pain

Your foot function influences your lower limb biomechanics and can cause ankle and knee pain. We can help reduce your pain and improve your performance.


Crumbly / Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections are common. They can cause the nail plate to become crumbly, deformed and discoloured. Don’t be embarrassed, seek treatment early on with your podiatrist.


Corns and Calluses

Corns and Callus are thick, hardened layers of skin caused by friction and pressure. They can be very painful however are easily treated by your podiatrist.

Children’s Feet

Healthy little feet keep kids active and mobile. Having your child’s foot and gait development checked early is important. Our podiatrists are here to help.


Wound Care

Our podiatrists can manage your acute and chronic wounds. We will provide you with expert care so that you can heal faster, and prevent further pain or infection from occurring.


Foot Arthritis

Arthritis can cause pain and stiffness in the small joints of the foot and ankle. We offer a number of treatments to help relieve the pain and disability that arthritis can cause.

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What to expect at your first appointment

Receive a warm welcome at reception and be introduced to your treating Podiatrist. We’ll take our time to listen to your concern and examine you properly. We’ll also outline your fees upfront and gain your full consent before commencing your personalised treatment plan.


Visit Us



58 Vermont Street
Wodonga, VIC, 3690


(02) 6056-5188



iHealth Centre, 469 Olive Street,
Albury, NSW, 2640

Tuesday–Friday (Saturday appointments available)

(02) 6014-3444